'the reconnect' newsletter

January 2011
Hello Friends!

Have you set your intentions yet for this new year? If so, how are they going? Do you feel you have fallen at the first hurdle and you are ready to throw in the towel or are you still surrounding them in great possibility?

The reason I ask is that I sensed a great joy throughout 2011 and with this joy in mind and heart I set my intentions. And then I got sick with the flu. Wham! One evening I was playing with my boys, the next day I couldn't get out of bed. The interesting thing is that it not only wiped out my energy but it seemed to wipe away my connection and consciousness. I was too weak to apply all my usual tools of yoga, meditation, shielding, clearing, cleansing and affirmations, just when I really needed it. Even praying was hard as it seemed a monkey had invaded my brain and I couldn't focus on anything for very long. After a couple of days (or was it hours) of frustration and fighting my ego, I gave it up to the universe. I surrendered and remembered that everything was exactly as it should be and that I would connect at the perfect time.

Five days on, I'm recovering. Still weak, still with the monkey but with a new set of intentions and realization. I had to go to a shadowy place when I was ill. When I was there I learnt something very sad that I had not previously been aware of. I had a dream about my late Mum. I realized how deeply painful it had been for her having lost my only brother a few years previous, for me then to tell her that I and my husband were leaving England to travel and to live in Canada. Now, being a Mum, I know this must have been a great loss. There in my bed, I felt the depth of her pain. She, being the amazing woman that she was, didn't say too much about it. The first year we were here in Canada, they came out to see us. It was once she got back she was diagnosed with lung cancer. A year later, 12 weeks after the birth of my first son and her first grandson, she died at home with me holding her hand.

I do not regret anything as I trust that I am supposed to be here but I do acknowledge the unconditional love she and my Dad showed me by allowing me to follow my path despite the pain and consequencies to them. They did not limit me by showing me their pain instead choosing to teach me to be all that I can be. For this I am deeply grateful.

My intentions for 2011 are, therefore, to be unlimited by being forgiveness, unconditional love and to give unto others what I wish to receive. For as I do so, I receive as well. That is how the Universe works and it is key to mastering The Law of Attraction. I also choose to inspire and empower others to be unlimited.

Don't worry if your intentions change and don't be afraid to go into the shadows. It is in these shadows we do our most growth. And if you choose to get help, ask. Intuitive healers, counsellors, psychologists and coaches are there to guide you through these shadows.

On Thursday 27th Jan, please join us physically or spiritually, if you feel guided to, as we come together in community to bless our intentions for this most powerful and joyful 2011. For more details of this and other events, please see below:

Reconnect Community Evening/Angel Gathering, North Vancouver, Thursday 27 January 2011, 7pm

Co-create the space for you and your community to set, bless and celebrate our intentions for 2011. What a magical year ahead of us! What are you looking for in your community and how can you contribute to it? Join like-minded friends in an informal, fun, relaxed and safe space to meditate and share spiritual and angelic experiences, ideas and stories. For more details, please visit our events page.

Reconnect with Rachel, Free Radio Readings/Healing Monday 31 January 2011, 6pm - 7pm (PST) Gail Bonglis' Universal Hope Show on Spirit Quest Radio.

What are you planning for 2011? What intentions are you setting? Call Rachel for guidance for 2011 from your team of Source, soul, angels, guides and departed loved ones. Join Rachel, an International Intuitive Healer, Teacher, certified Medium, and Angel Therapy Practitioner®, for an inspiring, empowering and entertaining radio show. She and Gail Bongalis will be exploring Intentions for 2011, how to set them and what the year ahead could bring. Rachel uses her authentic intuitive healing gifts, including clairvoyance, to reconnect you with your own unlimited self, love and team of Spirit, angels, guides and departed loved ones. She channels loving messages and healing for you and those you love. Call 201 793 9022 for a live, free reading/healing. For more details, please visit our events page.

Reconnect with Rachel, Audience Reading at Utopia, North Vancouver, Wednesday 16 February 2011, 7pm - 9pm

Join Rachel, an International Intuitive Healer/Teacher, certified Medium and Angel Therapy Practitioner® for an inspiring, empowering and fascinating evening of communicating with the spiritual realm. Rachel uses her authentic psychic gifts, including clairvoyance, to reconnect you with your own true unlimited self and team of Spirit, angels, guides and departed loved ones. She channels loving messages for you and those you love. For more details, please visit our events page.

From Fear To Freedom - A BluePrint for Living Authentically, Vancouver, BC, February 18- 20, 2011

"Fear to Freedom allowed me to learn so much about myself and all the fear I live with. The biggest realization for me was learning that I project all this fear onto my children. I am so grateful for Lynn and her team; this workshop was the light at the end of the tunnel for me.” Merissa Turner - Parent. Join us and let’s stop fear from robbing parents and children of their connection and joy. Our world needs the potential that is inside each one of us! For more information, please go to Miruspoint.

Reconnect Community Evening/Angel Gathering, North Vancouver, Thursday 24 February, 7pm

Join like-minded friends in an informal, fun, relaxed and safe space to meditate and share spiritual and angelic experiences, ideas and stories. For more details, please visit our events page.

Reconnect with Rachel, Free Radio Readings/Healing Monday 28 February 2011, 6pm - 7pm (PST) Gail Bonglis' Universal Hope Show on Spirit Quest Radio.

Join Rachel, an International Intuitive Healer, Teacher, certified Medium, and Angel Therapy Practitioner®, for an inspiring, empowering and entertaining radio show. Rachel uses her authentic intuitive healing gifts, including clairvoyance, to reconnect you with your own unlimited self, love and team of Spirit, angels, guides and departed loved ones. She channels loving messages and healing for you and those you love. Call 201 793 9022 for a live, free reading/healing. For more details, please visit our events page.

Wishing you an unlimited 2011!

With love, light and joy, Rachel